Art News

Perejaume at Barcelona’s CaixaForum

The artwork Els quatre horitzons by artist Perejaume, which is part of the Banco Sabadell Art Collection, will be shown at the group exhibition “Horizonte…

Manolo Hugué at the Documenta in Kassel

The work “Au bord de l’eau” (By the water) by Manolo Hugué is part of the exhibition “Inland Academy Syllabus” at the Ottoneum-Natural History Museum…

Temporary loan of «Pas», by Dominica Sánchez

Banco Sabadell Collection has loaned Pas, by artist Dominica Sánchez to the temporary exhibition “Dominica Sánchez. Perfils d’ombra, dibuixos i escultura“, which is being held at…

«Classificats (blau)», at CARS

The diptych Classificats (blau), by Ignasi Aballí, was transferred all the way to the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, in Madrid, to be…